Les Hors formats
Depuis 2016, les hors formats sont développés en collaboration avec le collectif 3615 Dakota
par dates
8 au 17 novembre 2024
23 et 24 novembre 2024
7 décembre 2024
9 et 10 janvier 2025
4 et 5 février 2025
Forum Meyrin
Meyrin (CH)
11 et 12 mars 2025
7 juin 2025
Les 3 points de suspension
We offer shows / performances / exhibitions that all take part in public space. Our creations are aimed at all types of venues. A
village, a theater, a field, a travel agency, an advertising lollypop, a recipe, a streetlamp can all very well be the support to our narration as much as our decor
Use of space, territorial conquest
The "real" is our playground. We see it as a whole, made of layers of beliefs , stories, and perceptions collectively brought to the world. These strata are for us our territories with their own rules, their strengths and weaknesses, and since we like adventures and cosmonaut stories, we aspire to conquer them, but aswell to reach agreements, to build bridges between them ,to participate in the implementation of a shared and livable public space.
For this, we use actors, situations, tape, animals, experiences, achievements, websites, stories, songs, green plants, mythologies, facilities, meetings, and many other surprises to show you that our reality conceals many mysteries.
We deal with very diverse themes such as fear, fairy tales, Franco-African relations, global warming, metaphysics, the conscious-unconscious relations, "living together".
We seek to infiltrate the representations to better, inhabit and divert them. We like to mix disciplines, changing their settings, playing with their codes and their territories. sharing Philosophies with a manhole, talking politics at a bus shelter, cooking metaphysics, staging a roundabout, in brief we want to thicken our common worlds.
Diffusion 06 21 79 07 05 I diffusion@troispointsdesuspension.fr
Bureau et Administration I coordination@troispointsdesuspension.fr
22 rue du Château Rouge– 74100 Annemasse – France